About Chapter Runner
Chapter Runner
Chapter Runner is an internal IBRMC riding event, strictly meant for IBR members only. Under this, a contender (also known as chapter runner) will have to cover all IBR recognized chapters in a span of 2 year.
- This ride is only for registered IBR members
- Discuss the plan with your local chapter moderator beforehand
- Register as a contender of Chapter Runner only when you have a planned start date
- Once registered, you need to complete the chapter run circle within 2 year from the planned start date. That means, in case you have registered with a start date of 1st January 2020, you should cover all recognized chapters before 31st December 2021
- The contender is supposed to meet the Chapter Moderator or member of the planning commission or an elected representative (in case Chapter Mod(s) or planning commission members are not available)
- Contender should capture a picture with Chapter mod/representative since this need to be shared during final confirmation submission
- The ride should start from their Home Chapter. Hence it is important to get the entire ride itenerary approved by local chapter moderator
- The ride should be done by only active and recognized IBR members. Hence, it is imperative to get approval from your local Chapter Mod
- Ride plan should be discussed with the region’s chapter mods or planning commission member in advance
- The ride should be done only on IBRMC allowed motorcycle. During unforeseen situations, if you do not have any other option other than resorting to another bike (during the actual ride), it should be informed to the Chapter Mod and IBR admin team. Prior approval is a must
- The ride should be done within a span of 2 year from the registered start date.
- Refer to the list of chapters. All chapters (whether recognized or under probation) should be covered
- Covering a chapter during an official ride, event, Bulletiapa, Megadventure, etc. is allowed
How to Register
- After you have an approval from chapter, start a new post under "General Discussion" with subject line as below:
[YourName] - [ChapterName] - [A suitable short title as per you choice].
E.g. - Sajeesh Nair - Bangalore Chapter - A ride to remember - In the post, mention your plan with an estimate start and end date
- Provide a high level itinerary
- Once approved, your post will be moved form General Discussions to Chapter Runner Section, thus making it official
- Keep your post up to date by posting about your journey, chapters you have covered so far, a few good pictures etc.
- This post will be scrutinized at the completion of chapter runner attempt
- Once completed, your name will be added to the chapter runner list
Upon successful completion of the Chapter Runner ride, you will receive a special award package from IBR Admin team. A special felicitation session will be organized during Bulletiapa.
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