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IBRMC Ahmedabad Chapter - Anniversary Ride 23 - 24 December 2023

  • IBR Adda.jpg

    Hello Bhailog,

    IBRMC Ahmedabad will be completing the first landmark year of existence.
    25th Dec 2022 was when we inaugurated a new chapter in Ahmedabad which turns to be the 15th Chapter within IndiaBullRiders Motorcycle Club.

    And since then it has been one amazing journey with many rides across terrains and yet we have survived them all and become more stronger in our bonding.

    So lets celebrate our first Anniversary with our extended family at Udaipur at one of the favourite locations for the entire IBR Family "IBRMC Adda". We have fond memories of this location as it is the same place where IBR Hosted their first BOBMC Rider Mania in 2019.

    Date: 23 - 24 December 2023.
    Overnight Ride
    Cost: Rs. 1200 (+/- Rs.200) Per person

    Above cost includes:
    Food and Stay at Venue
    Stay will be in sharing basis as it is a farmhouse (Can be a tented accommodation as well). Do not expect fancy luxury. It would be very cold during night so for a comfort sleep you can carry a sleeping bag however blankets will be there.

    Please add your names as per availability. We need to get a count so that the accommodations can be planned well in advance.

    Note: Ride Plan will be shared separately

  • Let's Roll!!!

  • Anniversary Ride

    People interested for the upcoming Anniversary Ride on 23-24 December please add your names

    1. Sid
    2. Aakash
    3. Romil
    4. Dhruvit
    5. Lav
    6. KK
    7. KP
  • Wow have a good one team Ahmedabad

  • People interested for the upcoming Anniversary Ride on 23-24 December please add your names

    1. Sid
    2. Aakash
    3. Romil
    4. Dhruvit
    5. Lav
    6. KK
    7. KP
    8. Abhishek Kumar
    9. Deependra Sekhawat
    10. Shashank
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