Who are Chapter Mods?
Rights, Roles, and Responsibilities
Coordinates (or delegate rights)all events and rides for a specific chapter
Maintain Chapter specific events
Facilitate weekly / periodic meets
The main point of contact for IBR Merchandises
Recommends existing members for next IBR Ranks
Have a final saying during conflict resolution
Participate actively in the membership cancellation process
Administer chapter-specific Facebook and WhatsApp groups
Become part of the IBR Core Planning Commission WhatsApp group
Selection process and appointment
For established chapters, the minimum tenure should be at least 1 year with IBR (registration date is considered). For a newly formed chapter, the selection is done by Planning Commission members
Should be senior member. Exceptions to be reviewed joined by Core Committee
Appointed as Chapter mods during the Bulletiapa event
The recommendation should come from the current chapter heads. However, there should be a collective discussion with senior members before a decision is made
Expulsion / Removal of Chapter Head
The decision will be made by Planning Commission members in consultation with Core Committee members of the chapter
Will be replaced with another senior member as active Chapter Mod until the official appointment
Will lose all rights of Chapter Mod