New Himalayan 452 user experience
Mine is Only 600 kms done as Abhi bhai mentioned seats are rock hard.
LED Head Light is not at all good. Got it fixed HJG Fog Lights immediately after taking the delivery.
For My height Handle Bar riser is not required as i am very comfortable with the stock handle Bar.
Brakes of the New Himalayan is Amazing. -
One issue I noticed was that bike handlebar slightly pulls towards right.
Issue was identified due to low quality bush used in steering stem fastener.
Apparently it is a known issue which RE guys are quitely replacing, as and when they receive this complaint.
They didn't charge me for replaced part and I didn't ask.
Just took test ride back home.
At this point only saving grace is if RE provides a factory fitted crash guard.
Point where the crash guard is fixed is the same point where Engine is bolted to the chassis. So incase of crash this point probably takes the brunt and hence possibilities of chassis getting damaged.
In her case, aftermarket nut used probably were not of good grade. Also her crash guard do not seem to be genuine as RE OGs do no have sliders on them.
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